
Reportage en Colombie au cœur des Farc

Members of the FARC guerilla take cover ahead of attacking an army camp, on Thursday, June 24, 2010. The colombian government says the FARC guerilla is weaker than ever, and the new President, Juan Manual Santos, due to take his post on 6th of July, is credited for that. The former defence Minister was partially elected on this ground, however, the guerilla remains very strong and his members claim they are regaining power already, with fresh young people intergrating its rank every day. © Boris Heger/ Tel 01789-262151/07831-121483 NUJ recommended terms & conditions apply. Moral rights asserted under Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988. Credit is required. No part of this photo to be stored, reproduced, manipulated or transmitted by any means without permission. Boris Heger

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